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Ning Bo, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Wuhu City visited Huaqiang Holdings

CreateTime:2022/4/28 0:00:00

On April 28, Ning Bo,DeputySecretary of Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Wuhu City visited HuaqinagHoldings together with a delegation. Wuhu City Municipal Government leaders YaoKai, Wang Zhipeng and Pan Feng, Huaqiang Holdings leaders Zhang Hengchun, HuXinan, Li Shucheng, Liu Daoqiang, etc. accompanied the inspection and helddiscussions.

During the discussion, Mayor Ning Bointroduced the current development situation and business environment of Wuhucity, and stated that the Wuhu Municipal Government has always paid closeattention to Huaqiang projects, and looked forward to establishing more cooperationopportunities with Huaqiang in order to jointly explore a mutually beneficialand win-win cooperation model.

President Li Shucheng introduced thecurrent industrial development of Huaqiang Holdings, and stated that Huaqianghas been developing in Wuhu city for nearly 20 years, and the two sides haveestablished a good cooperative relationship and profound friendship. In recentyears, with the continuous improvement of Wuhu's urban influence, Huaqiang hascontinued to gain new development opportunities.

After the meeting,the two parties reached a consensus on the future cooperation intention, andwill work together to accelerate the implementation of more projects in Wuhu.

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