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Huaqiang Fantawild was listed among the "Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises" for the twelfth time

CreateTime:2024/5/23 0:00:00

OnMay 23, Guangming Daily and Economic Daily jointly released the list of"Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises" and "Top 30 NationalGrowth Cultural Enterprises" at the 20th China (Shenzhen) InternationalCultural Industries Fair. With its rich innovative achievements and outstandingmarket performance in the field of cultural tourism, Huaqiang Fantawild hasbeen listed among the "Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises" for thetwelfth time.

LiuDaoqiang, Chairman and President of Huaqiang Fantawild Group, said that thecultural tourism industry plays a very important role in the development of themodern economy. As one of the leading enterprises in the cultural tourismindustry, Fantawild shares the responsibility for promoting the integrateddevelopment of culture, technology, tourism and other related industries. Overthe years, Fantawild has taken Chinese culture as its core and empowered itscultural tourism industrial sector with high-tech, providing theme parks,cultural tourism towns, theme hotels, digital animation, special films, themeperformances, UAV performances, immersive interactive entertainment and otherdistinctive cultural tourism products, and constantly innovating the expressionand dissemination of Chinese culture.

Deeply focusing on cultural tourism development andinnovating theme parks, the number of visitors has ranked among the top five inthe world for many years

Withmore than 20 years of experiences in the cultural tourism industry, Fantawildhas become a world-leading cultural tourism company with the ability to operatethe entire industry chain of theme park creative design, research anddevelopment, content production, construction and market operation. It hasstrong innovation and R&D capabilities, and tells Chinese stories andspreads Chinese culture in innovative forms. Fantawild has independentlycreated more than 10 cultural tourism brands, invested in and built more than30 theme parks across the country, and its number of visitors has ranked amongthe top five in the world for many years.

In recentyears, Fantawild has continuously developed new projects, launched newproducts, and created new brands, continuously improving the breadth and depthof Fantawild's deep cultivation in the cultural tourism market. In July 2023,the "Fantawild Park" in Xuzhou was completed and opened. The projectfocuses on the culture of the Han Dynasty. It has received nearly one milliontourists in the first half of the year, adding a new landmark of traditionalcultural tourism to Jiangsu Province. On the third day of the Chinese New Yearin 2024, the first demonstration project of Fantawild Cultural Tourism Town,"Boonie Bears Happy Harbor", opened grandly in Linhai, ZhejiangProvince, receiving more than 1.1 million tourists in three months, and quicklybecame a local Internet celebrity tourist destination.

Itis worth mentioning that the "Beautiful China" trilogy series oftheme parks, which is built by Huaqiang Fantawild, presents a panoramic view ofChina's splendid traditional culture, glorious revolutionary history, greatreform achievements and bright future development. It has been completed andoperated in Xiamen, Ningbo, Jingzhou, Mianyang, Ganzhou, Huai'an and otherplaces, providing one-stop family-friendly services and colorful new tourismexperiences for the general public and parent-child tourists.

So far,Fantawild has developed many theme park brands based on Chinese culture, andhas successfully invested in and operated the Zigong "Fantawild DinosaurKingdom" with the theme of dinosaur culture and ancient Sichuancivilization, the first domestic "Fantawild ASEAN Magic Painting" inNanning with the theme of the ten ASEAN countries, and other characteristiccultural theme parks. Together with the animation science fiction theme parkTaizhou "Fantawild Continent" based on independent animation IP and otherprojects, it has built a diversified cultural display and communicationplatform. In the next few years, there will be "Boonie Bears Park","Boonie Bears Water World" and "China's Excellent TraditionalCulture Park" and other cultural tourism projects with differentcharacteristics and themes that will be built and operated in popular touristcities in China, further enhancing the market influence and culturalcommunication power of Fantawild.

Excellent animations emerge one after another, rankingsecond in the box office history of Chinese animation, and Fantawild’sinternational influence continues to rise

Over the pastdecade, Fantawild Animation has always adhered to the creative concept of unityof ideology, artistry and appreciation, insisted on high-quality creation, andgradually built a diversified animation IP matrix. It has created more than 30animation works with different themes and let children learning lessons throughentertainment. Its works include the "Boonie Bears" series, theinspirational adventure film "Zhao Lin's Adventure Diary", theyouth-oriented "Mango Cub - Earth Intern", and the "BearsHelping Group" that spreads the spirit of care and mutual assistance.These works inspire their audience with enthusiasm and convey positive energyand valuessuchas family caring, friendship, dreams, and growth.

With its excellent innovative capabilities, FantawildAnimation has been in the top place in the domestic animation industry. Morethan 30 original works have won the ratings championship many times, repeatedlyset new records for CCTV children's ratings, and have been clicked 350 billiontimes on the entire network. In recent years, the strong market performance ofHuaqiang Fantawild's "Boonie Bears" animated films has beenparticularly eye-catching. Since 2014, the "Boonie Bears" series offilms has accompanied the audience for ten years, and the box office hasincreased year by year, creating a unique Spring Festival "BoonieBears" phenomenon. So far, the total box office of the ten "BoonieBears" movies has reached 7.7 billion, ranking first in China'sfamily-friendly animation IP, the most energetic animation IP in China, and ahousehold brand in China.

HuaqiangFantawild adheres to the international development strategy and has targetedboth the domestic and international markets since the beginning of IP creation.It is based on Chinese original stories and values, and uses internationalexpressions and presentation methods, benchmarks international standards, isclose to international audiences, and actively builds a global distributionnetwork, with its overseas influence rising steadily. To date, Fantawild'sanimation works have been translated into more than 100 languagesanddistributed in more than 130 countries, and have entered internationalmainstream media such as Disney, Discovery Kids, and Netflix. Animated filmshave also been released in theaters in more than 70 countries, and have setrecords for Chinese animated films in Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia andother countries. "Boonie Bears" has become a local phenomenon IP inIndia, Turkey and other countries. The total number of YouTube subscribers of 7million continues to rank first among Chinese animation series channels, makingit an internationally renowned Chinese animation brand.

UAV performances and VR interactive entertainment areemerging as new businesses

Fantawildhas actively responded to the national cultural digitalization strategy,explored new directions for industrial development, and newly opened upbusiness areas such as UAV performances and immersive interactiveentertainment. It has currently built an industrial chain of UAV research anddevelopment, production, choreography and flight performances, and has strongflight performance capabilities. The scale of formation performances exceeds2,500 aircraft. In the first year of operation (2023), it completed more than300 shows and more than 300,000 flight performances in 23 cities.

The immersive interactive entertainment business focuses on "gameand film and television entertainment", "public services" and"commercial applications". It has developed VR cultural tourismprojects such as "Seeing the Old Summer Palace Again" and"Beautiful China", using high-tech restoration technology to"recreate" the magnificent scenes of Chinese historical sites such asthe Old Summer Palace and the ancient Great Wall, creating a new immersivecultural tourism experience; it has launched many excellent VR game productswith realistic picture content and interesting and fun interactive gameplay,attracting players to immerse themselves in the extraordinary virtual realitygame world. Among them, the "Beautiful China" VR project won thefirst prize in the Industry Integration Development-Virtual Reality InnovationCompetition hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Huaqiang Fantawild will continue to adhere to the development strategyof integrating culture and technology, take it as its mission to tell Chinesestories well, base itself on the fertile soil of Chinese culture, taketechnological innovation as the guide, create cultural masterpieces withcraftsmanship, spread Chinese culture around the world, and make the world ahappier place.

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