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Cao Saixian, Director of Foreign Affairs Office, Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, led a team to visit Huaqiang Holdings and Huaqiang North International Block

CreateTime:2024/6/25 0:00:00

On June 25, Cao Saixian, Director of ForeignAffairs Office ,Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, led a team to visitHuaqiang Holdings and Huaqiang North International Block for research. SunHuaizhong, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office, Shenzhen Municipal PartyCommittee, Zhang Guosan, Director of Secretariat, and Lin Huaqi, Director ofInternational Promotion Division, participated in the research. Feng Rui,Member of the Standing Committee of Futian District Party Committee andDirector of District Party Committee and District Government Office, LianJiaqi, Secretary of Huaqiang North Street Party Working Committee, Xiao Jing,Deputy Director of Futian District Party Committee and District GovernmentOffice, Yang Qitao, Member of Huaqiang North Street Party Working Committee,Zhang Hengchun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huaqiang Holdings,and Chen Junbin, Vice President of Huaqiang Industry Co., Ltd. and General Managerof Huaqiang Electronic World, accompanied them.

During the visit to the Huaqiang Electronic World (HQ-Mart),Vice President Chen Junbin introduced the situation of merchant settlement,business development model, etc. He said that Huaqiang Electronic World is thelargest offline trading market for electronic components and electronicterminal products in China with the widest business scope and covering theentire industrial chain. It has the geographical advantage of Huaqiang Northand provides the most convenient, fastest and most complete trading servicesfor the electronic industry chain. Director Cao Saixian fully affirmed thebusiness ideas of Huaqiang Electronic World.

During the meeting after the visit, Chairman Zhang Hengchun,on behalf of Huaqiang Holdings, welcomed the arrival of Director Cao Saixianand her team, and briefly introduced the development of the company. HuaqiangHoldings was established in 1979. After more than 40 years of innovativedevelopment, it has gradually grown into a diversified investment holding groupdominated by high-tech industries. Among them, the cultural and technologicalindustry theme park brand ranks among the top five in the world, the animationindustry ranks first in China, and the electronic components distributionplatform provides an annual transaction volume of 100 billion yuan, rankingfirst in China. Zhang Hengchun hoped strengthening exchanges and cooperationwith foreign affairs departments to better assist Shenzhen in building aninternational city.

Secretary Lian Jiaqi focused on introducing the developmenthistory, electronic industry, fashion culture, and international blockconstruction of Huaqiang North, and proposed five work goals, including"creating a business district friendly to inbound consumption","creating an international cultural and tourism businessenvironment", "hosting an international salon event","building an international volunteer service station", and "buildingan international service window".

StandingCommitteeMember Feng Rui said that it is necessary to build Futian Districtinto an international central urban area, introduce more commercial, culturaland tourism resources, provide more targeted, personalized and warm services toChinese and foreign residents in this area, and attract more foreigners to workand live in Shenzhen.

Director CaoSaixian said that the Foreign Affairs Office of Municipal Party Committee willgive full play to the resource and channel advantages of foreign affairs workto help Huaqiang Holdings and Huaqiang North Street District better promotevarious international exchanges and cooperation. First, use the opportunity ofhigh-level delegations to visit Shenzhen to empower enterprises development andblock construction. Second, hold high-level international exhibitions, forumsand other activities. Third, do a good job in the international communityservices. Fourth, make good use of favorable policies such as APEC BusinessTravel Card, Hague Convention and other. Fifth, implement the"one-to-one" contact mechanism with various districts. Sixth, linkdomestic and foreign accessible resource channels, and seventh, strengthendepartmental linkage to form a joint force to help internationalization construction.

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